Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dojo supported version in WebSphere Portal 7.0

WebSphere Portal 7.0 version has Dojo 1.4 has its JavaScript library.

FYI.. The Dojo 1.4 is shipped within the theme. So, don't forget to upgrade your dojo version to 1.4 If your portlet application target server is WebSphere Portal 7.0.

What's New in WebSphere Portal 7.0, WCM and WebSphere Portlet Factory 7.0

WebSphere Portal, WCM and WPF 7.0 has come up with many cool features.

Last week, IBM Product development has hosted the webcast about What's new in WebSphere Portal V7.0, IBM Web Content Management V7.0 and WebSphere Portlet Factory V7.0

Click here to find the respective slides and mp3 information.