Monday, August 02, 2010

Portlet Modes (WebSphere Portal 6.0 Onwards)

The below are the portlet modes and its use in WebSphere Portal.

View Mode -
Default portlet mode, It will be used to display all end user functionalities.
Edit Mode (Personalize) - This is user specific personalize mode. What ever changes are made and stored into portlet preference, that will affect only that specific user.
Edit Defaults Mode (Edit Shared Settings) - This mode will be available only for portal admins. Also, this will be available for users with minimum page level access rights as Editor and Portlet access rights as Administrator. The changes into this preference value will affect all the users.
NOTE: This is only for the portlet occurence in that page.
Config Mode -
This is configuration mode. What ever changes are made into this mode will affect all occurence on that portal.
Help Mode - Generally this will be used to give more details about that portlet functionality and its use.

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