Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Smart Phone Application Development using WebSphere Portlet Factory V7.0

Click here to see a bunch of info for developing a smart phone application using WebSphere Portlet Factory 7.0.

Since, the usage of smart phones has been increased day by day. So, I am sure this is going to rock in near days.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

IBM WebSphere Portal Performance Troubleshooting Guide

Click here to see the complete guide with the details about Portal Performance Troubleshooting instructions.

Hope this will play a major role for many, To troubleshoot their portal performance issues.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

WebSphere Portlet Factory 6.1.5 Web Cast about its new features

Click here to see the web cast about WebSphere Portlet Factory 6.1.5 new features.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dojo supported version in WebSphere Portal 7.0

WebSphere Portal 7.0 version has Dojo 1.4 has its JavaScript library.

FYI.. The Dojo 1.4 is shipped within the theme. So, don't forget to upgrade your dojo version to 1.4 If your portlet application target server is WebSphere Portal 7.0.

What's New in WebSphere Portal 7.0, WCM and WebSphere Portlet Factory 7.0

WebSphere Portal, WCM and WPF 7.0 has come up with many cool features.

Last week, IBM Product development has hosted the webcast about What's new in WebSphere Portal V7.0, IBM Web Content Management V7.0 and WebSphere Portlet Factory V7.0

Click here to find the respective slides and mp3 information.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

WebSphere Portal 7 Performance Tips: Changing the Heap Size & Verbose Garbage Collection

I have come across a nice article about performance tips in WebSphere Portal 7. Click here to read more about the same.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WPCollector Tool ( Good alternate for ISA Lite

WPCollector Tool - Automates the Collection of log files, configuration files.

Its one of the coolest feature IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 provides than its older version.

Check here for more information about, how you can use WPCollector Tool.

Download and Intallation steps for WebSphere Portal 7.0

Click here to see the download and installation steps for WebSphere Portal 7.0 version.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Installation guide for WebSphere Portal 6.1.5 with WAS 7.0

Oracle Redefines Identity Management – Managing the complexity of IT security with Oracle IDM 11g Events Overview

Error: Links Indexer is disabled

You may need to manually re-build the links database by following the below steps to fix the "Links Indexer is Disabled" issue.

Open your RAD/RSA workspace, Goto Windows --> Preferences --> Web --> Links and click Re-Index links Button.

Note: This has been fixed in the recent versions of rational softwares.

Monday, August 23, 2010

DOJO and WebSphere Portal

The WebSphere Portal 6.1.X internally uses the Dojo Version 1.3.2 for its themes. Also, The WebSphere Portal 6.1.5 supports two versions of Dojo (i.e, V1.1.1 and V1.3.2). You need to consider the dojo version before you do the development of portal application which uses Dojo.

You can find the information about how to upgrade/downgrade portal themes from Dojo 1.1.1 to 1.3.2 & vice versa in the following url

Dojo and WebSphere Portal

Using and migrating Dojo versions with WebSphere Portal themes

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's new in WebSphere Portal 7

Click here to see the detailed information about what's new in WebSphere Portal 7.0.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Theme update in WebSphere Portal V6.1

IBM has recently published a very good article for publishing a Theme War into WebSphere Portal V6.1. Click here for more details.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Portlet Modes (WebSphere Portal 6.0 Onwards)

The below are the portlet modes and its use in WebSphere Portal.

View Mode -
Default portlet mode, It will be used to display all end user functionalities.
Edit Mode (Personalize) - This is user specific personalize mode. What ever changes are made and stored into portlet preference, that will affect only that specific user.
Edit Defaults Mode (Edit Shared Settings) - This mode will be available only for portal admins. Also, this will be available for users with minimum page level access rights as Editor and Portlet access rights as Administrator. The changes into this preference value will affect all the users.
NOTE: This is only for the portlet occurence in that page.
Config Mode -
This is configuration mode. What ever changes are made into this mode will affect all occurence on that portal.
Help Mode - Generally this will be used to give more details about that portlet functionality and its use.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Reading LTPA Cookie from Portlet & Servlet and passing the LTPA cookie into remote WebSphere Server using REST call.

Sample code which shows how you can get the LTPA cookie value from portlet and servlet.

######### Reading from Servlet Starts #############

String ltpaToken = null;
Cookie[] cookies = httpServletRequest.getCookies();

for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++)
if (cookies[i].getName().equals("LtpaToken"))
ltpaToken = cookies[i].getValue(); break;
######### Reading from Servlet Ends #############

########## Reading from Portlet Starts #############

String myCookie = renderRequest.getProperty("cookie");
String ltpaToken = "";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (myCookie, "; ");
String key = st.nextToken();
if(key.indexOf("LtpaToken") > -1)
int equalSign = key.indexOf("=");
ltpaToken = key.substring(equalSign+1);

########## Reading from Portlet Ends#############
### Setting inside URLConnection object & sending to remote portal server ###
// After getting the ltpa token, setting into URL connection to pass the ltpa cookie to the external server url.
if (ltpaToken != null)
String cookie = "LtpaToken=" + ltpaToken.toString();
URL url = new URL("http://myportal:port/wps/myportal)
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", cookie);

Tips - Softwares ( During our Work)

The following are the utility software which i felt it will be very useful for Web Developers.

Aptana Studio - Web Resource development such as HTML, CSS, JS e.t.c
7-zip - Extract format such as zip, war, rar e.t.c
Notepad++ - It has many cool features. ( It will open any huge size text file )
Ever Note - Repository to keep all your personal docs. There is a way to encode the file and it can be protected using password.

Will keep you posting with other softwares...

How to set & get a value from Portlet Preference while developing a portlet using WebSphere Portlet Factory

Below is the sample code which will give a clear idea about how you can set/get a value from Portlet Preference while developing a portlet using WebSphere Portlet Factory.

Create a LJO(Linked Java Object) builder and copy the below code and replace MY_DEPARTMENT value into the value you want to set & get from Portlet Preference.

########################## Sample Code Starts #############################

public class PortletPreferenceWPFSample {
PortletRequest portletRequest = null;

private static final String MY_DEPARTMENT="myDepartment";
private static final String DEFAULT_MY_DEPARTMENT="";

public void setPreferences(WebAppAccess webAppAccess , String myDepartment)
// Getting HttpServletRequest from WebAppAcces object.
HttpServletRequest request = webAppAccess.getHttpServletRequest();
// Type casting into Portlet Request.
portletRequest = (PortletRequest) request.getAttribute(com.bowstreet.adapters.Constants.PORTLET_REQUEST);
javax.portlet.PortletPreferences preferences = portletRequest.getPreferences();

//Storing the myDepartment in to portlet preferences Object.

}catch(Exception err)


public String getPreferences(WebAppAccess webAppAccess)
HttpServletRequest request = webAppAccess.getHttpServletRequest();
portletRequest = (PortletRequest) request.getAttribute(com.bowstreet.adapters.Constants.PORTLET_REQUEST);

javax.portlet.PortletPreferences preferences = portletRequest.getPreferences();

String myDepartment= preferences.getValue(MY_DEPARTMENT,DEFAULT_MY_DEPARTMENT);

return myDepartment;


##### Function call to above method from remote place such as method or other LJO class #####
// Calling setPreferences method to store folder path into it. Where PortletPreferenceWPFSample_LJO is the LJO builder name for PortletPreferenceWPFSample class.
webAppAccess.callMethod("PortletPreferenceWPFSample_LJO.setPreferences", myDepartment);

########################## Sample Code Ends #############################